What Are Ikonart® Stencils?
Everyone wants to stand out from the crowd. Ikonart® Stencil Film is a revolutionary silk screen light-sensitive film that gives you the ability to showcase your unique personality by creating custom stencils in just three easy steps. First, print your artwork, then expose your stencil film using our UV light stand, and finally wash out the exposed film to reveal your custom, reusable stencil!
Ikonart® Stencil Benefits
Anyone who has made a vinyl stencil understands the tedious process of weeding. Well we are here to say, weed no longer! Our mesh stencils hold fine details (with islands and without bridges) while being both reusable and repositionable. Stop using the same pre-imaged stencils that everyone else is using. Customize your stencils with any artwork you want with the Ikonart® Custom Stencil Kit.
Customize Your World
Our original blue Ikonart® Stencils are perfect for customizing windows, mirrors, chalkboards, walls, and other hard, flat, smooth surfaces. We also released a stickier version of this film called our Ikonart® Textile Film. This purple film has a stronger adhesive than our original stencils and is perfect for tshirts, textiles, canvas, wood signs, and other surfaces that require a more tacky option.
Made In The USA
Ikonart® Smart Screen Stencils and the Ikonart® Custom Stencil Kit are made and packaged in the USA by the IKONICS® Corporation, headquartered in Duluth, Minnesota. IKONICS® has over 65 years of experience developing imaging products and technologies.